Activate Culture

Company Culture is sometimes called the space between people or how things get done around the workplace

Company Culture is sometimes called the space between people or how things get done around the workplace. It is the sum of all formal and informal behaviours, systems and values. Some elements of the culture are visible, like the dress code, office layout, company structure etc but a lot of elements around culture are not visible.

The Company Culture can make or break a company. Some advantages of a strong company culture include increased work happiness, retention rate, increased productivity, customer satisfaction and enhanced employee engagement. Poor company culture can lead to burnout and a high turnover.

There are many different ways a company can improve or activate company culture. A well-chosen team-building program can positively affect the company culture. The following programs show you what is possible.

Look at this selection of related popular programs.
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Team Building Model
The Catalyst Team Building Model Whitepaper

The Catalyst Teambuilding Model shows how you can elevate a team building program from a reward to an investment in your staff.

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