Corporate Team Building Days

An off-site or staff away day is an opportunity for networking and team bonding.

Staff away day, team building days and off-sites are at their most memorable when they don’t feel like a day at the office. Away days that place too much emphasis on key learning tend to miss the point. Hanging out with co-workers, experiencing something new, or working towards a collaborative goal allows team bonding to evolve organically and far more effectively. However, just like organising any other event, a staff day out needs objectives, a budget, and follow up actions.

A day away isn’t going to resolve all of your company concerns, but the right activity, tailored to specific issues, and as part of a larger programme will help. Before consulting a specialist provider, work out delegate numbers, average ages, abilities, and company roles. This information will guide you and your specialist event organiser to select a suitable event. The more information you impart, the more fine tuned the proposal will be from the event specialist. Make sure the activities are inclusive and avoid overtly physical tasks. Try to keep everyone in the team engaged in the run up to the day out. Remember, people often feel threatened by team building days, so do make sure all of the team are aware of what is expected of them in the lead up to the event. Budget Staff days require the co-ordination of a number of services, travel, meals and entertainment. Be realistic with your budget and direct spend towards meaningful activity as opposed to expensive frills.

Post-event actions Seek feedback and post-event suggestions to measure the value of the day. Take photos and videos of the event to maintain positive memories of the day and the bonds that were created. Don’t view a staff day out as a one-off event. Teams that enjoy each other's company get together on a more regular basis and are more excited about working, which will ultimately have a positive effect on your bottom line.

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Team Building Model
The Catalyst Team Building Model Whitepaper

The Catalyst Teambuilding Model shows how you can elevate a team building program from a reward to an investment in your staff.

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